Surprise your friends with this Halloween Trick or Treat Yo' Self Gift Idea and Free Printable Gift Tag!

Why play tricks when you can share treats this Halloween? I love putting together gifts at Halloween time for people we're close to. They don't have to be big or fancy! This year is the 5th Annual Popcorn Box Party, and it's all about telling your favorite teachers, friends, and co-workers to "Treat Yo' Self" with a box full of spookily-awesome surprises!

*If you choose to use spray paint, keep in mind that any food that is added to the box MUST be packaged. Using acrylic paints or paper to cover the box would make a better food-safe option.

Next, I cut a piece of black and white polka dot ribbon to fit the popcorn box vertically. Carefully burn the ends of the ribbon with a lighter so that the ribbon won't fray. You'll also need some Aleene's Clear Gel Tacky Glue. It's one of my favorite clear craft glues that dries quickly and sticks perfectly every time.

Print out the Trick or Treat Yo' Self Gift Tag on cardstock and cut it out with a 2" circle punch or use some scissors.
Some things you should know before downloading:
*Artsy-Fartsy Mama printables are for PERSONAL USE ONLY (home, school, libraries, etc).
*You may NOT modify, re-sell, redistribute, or claim the design as your own.
*Please do not remove the credits/watermarks.
*If you'd like to share this project, credit must be given to Artsy-Fartsy Mama & linked back to this post.

Center the tag on the front of the popcorn box over the ribbon. Press it down well and hold in place until the tag adheres to the box.

Fill the box with some green shredded crinkle paper and add some goodies that are "Treat Yo' Self" worthy. I added some nail polish, Udderly Smooth hand cream, lip balm, some Halloween surprises from Oriental Trading, and more! Now the gift is ready to share with your favorite friends, teachers, or whoever might need a little treat in their lives!
Since this is a Popcorn Box Party, here are the rest of the awesome projects other talented bloggers created using the same popcorn box that I used in my project! You can also check out more ideas on social media using the hashtag #PopcornBoxParty2017