"Ghouls" everywhere will have fun making their own Monster High Bottle Cap Necklace!
Thanks to Fizzy Pops for making this post possible. As always all opinions are my own.
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Have a Monster High fan in your life? These Monster High Bottle Cap Necklaces are GORE-geous and surprisingly simple to make. My daughter can't wait to show off these latest jewelry creations and I'm excited to share how you can create some Monster High jewelry for yourself!

Elastic Cord
Beads - we used solid and striped gumball beads, flower beads, faceted beads, and silver spacer beads
Binder Clips
Bottle Cap Pendants
Epoxy Stickers
Free Printable Monster High Bottle Cap Images
1" Circle Punch
Super Glue

Cut two pieces of elastic cord about 9" long and tie the ends together on one side. Doubling the elastic cord will make the necklace stronger, and tying them together will keep them from slipping apart. Place a binder clip over the knot.

Thread the beads on in any pattern you'd like. As you string the beads, make sure to place the bottle cap pendant in the center.

Carefully remove the binder clip and tie the ends of the elastic cord together. Tie in multiple knots. Hold the elastic on both sides of the knot and pull tight. Add a drop of super glue over the knot and keep holding until the glue dries (doesn't take too long). This will help prevent the knot from coming undone and the beads falling all over the floor around you! (...ask me how I know)

Add some super glue or clear, strong craft glue (E6000 and Beacon are my faves) to the center of the bottle cap pendant. You don't need very much.

Print out the 5"x7" Free Printable Monster High Bottle Cap Images on photo paper. Choose which image you want to use and cut it out with a 1" circle punch. My daughter's first choice was a hot pink Frankie-inspired heart!

Use a popsicle stick or something with an edge to rub the back of the image to help get the air bubbles out. Press the epoxy image into the bottle cap. Let it dry for a few hours.

Trim the tied ends of the elastic cord about 1/2" away from the knot. Now you can put the necklace on to show off your inner Monster High fashionista!

This is another necklace my daughter made using the Monster High Skullette image. She wears it all the time and is so proud of putting the entire thing together herself. We have always enjoyed making chunky bead bottle cap necklaces, and are looking forward to showing you how we made more at her Monster High Birthday Party!
Who is your favorite Monster High character?