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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Preschool Chalk Color Mixing

Preschool Chalk Color Mixing at #preschool #homeschool #chalk #kidscrafts

My daughter loves creating art projects, and has been asking a lot of questions about colors. She was blown away when I told her how you can mix two colors to create a new one. I decided to use a Master of the Arts Chalk Art Kit to have a fun and educational lesson on color mixing, and was also able to teach different coloring techniques for my little artist.

Master of the Arts Chalk Art Kit at #preschool #kidscrafts #chalk

The Master of the Arts Chalk Art Kit includes everything you need to get started: 28 blending chalks, a design pad, blending brushes, and design guide to learn about blending, smudging, creating lines, and even painting with chalk. All Masters of the Arts kits will be available at Walmart stores at the end of April 2014 for $4.97 or less!

Preschool Chalk Color Mixing at #preschool #homeschool #chalk #kidscrafts

We opened up the design pad, and I showed her how coloring with different edges of the chalk makes different looks. She wanted to make purple, so we colored blue lines first, then added pink (or red).

Preschool Chalk Color Mixing at #preschool #homeschool #chalk #kidscrafts

Then, with a blending brush (similar to a sponge eyeshadow applicator) or your finger, smear the chalk lines together to create the new color! Try mixing all different colors to see what you can create!

Preschool Chalk Color Mixing at #preschool #homeschool #chalk #kidscrafts

My daughter decided to make a rainbow, so after adding some yellow and red lines, we mixed the edges together to create the green and orange in the middle.

Preschool Chalk Color Mixing at #preschool #homeschool #chalk #kidscrafts

After trying it again all on her own, I can't even start to describe how proud she was of herself. That alone is one reason why giving my child the tools to learn and be creative are so important. We're excited to try watercoloring with the chalks soon, and will definitely be trying out the other Master of the Arts kits for more art fun!!

For more kids craft inspiration, follow on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest!

The kit was provided by and/or Horizon Group, USA in exchange for this review. All opinions are my own.

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  1. So fun! We'll have to get some of those for our preschool!

  2. Never mind the kids, I want to play with it! Those new master of the arts kits are so fun!

  3. So fun! and perfect timing! I've been on the hunt for some fun Summer activities for the kids.

  4. Now this looks like a fun Spring/Summer project! Thanks for sharing :o)

  5. We tried out the watercolor kit .It was fun!

  6. Lindsay, what a cool not only makes beautiful artwork but it is a fun way to teach kids about the color wheel! :)

  7. That looks like so much fun! I remember loving to blend colours as a kid. I'd like to play with it now, actually!


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