Kids of all ages will love celebrating America's birthday with this set of Free Printable 4th of July Jokes!

It's almost the 4th of July, and what better way to bring everyone together than with a good joke or two?! These Free Printable 4th of July Jokes were so fun for me to put together, and are a fun printable to bring to a 4th of July party! The little joke cards are the perfect size to add as a surprise to a gift, lunch box, or care package, and are great for teachers to share in the classroom. I hope these jokes crack you up like the Liberty Bell, and can't wait to hear how much the kids love sharing the 4th of July jokes with friends!

Download and print the jokes. For best results, I recommend printing on cardstock. Use a paper cutter or scissors to cut them all out.
The download includes 16 kid-friendly jokes relating to the 4th of July that kids will love hearing and repeating again and again to family and friends! The joke cards are the perfect size to add to a gift, lunch box, care package, and for sharing at 4th of July parties and in the classroom.

Download Free Printable 4th of July Jokes
Personal Use Only
Printables from Artsy-Fartsy Mama are for personal use only. You may use these printables in an educational setting, but you may not sell them. If you'd like to share this printable digitally, share a link to this post/website only. Do not share a direct link to the printable.
As always, I would love to see the printables in action! Share your creations on Instagram, Facebook, or leave a comment/photo on the project pin on Pinterest! #AFMPrintables
Looking for more 4th of July inspiration?
Check out this collection of OVER 100 creative 4th of July crafts and recipes!!

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