Spread some Christmas cheer with this Secret Elf Gift Idea and Free Printable Gift Tag!

One of my favorite parts of the holiday season is surprising people with little gifts. These next couple of months can get tough for both students and teachers who are anxiously awaiting the holiday breaks. This gave me the great idea to secretly give some Elf Gift Bags with local teachers to show appreciation for them and to start the holiday season off right. I also made up some Free Printable Gift Tags inspired by "The Code of the Elves" (specifically number 2) that says, "There's room for everyone on the Nice List!"

To make my Secret Elf Gifts, I used these adorable elf-themed supplies:
- Elf Boot Gift Bag
- Elf Headbands
- Plush Elves
- Holiday Character Stress Toys
- Christmas Character Pens
- Elf Lollipops
- Christmas Taffy

There are a ton of fun options when it comes to these Secret Elf Gifts, so feel free to customize items to fit those you are sharing the gift with. I am planning on giving these to teachers, so I know that they could definitely use the Christmas pens, candy, and especially the stress toys to get them through the end of the year!! And what teacher wouldn't want some silly items like an elf headband and plush elf to keep around during the holidays?!

Print the gift tags on cardstock, and cut them apart with a paper trimmer. Attach the tag to the top of the Elf Boot Gift Bag with tape or an adorable mini clothespin!
Some things you should know before downloading:
*Artsy-Fartsy Mama printables are for PERSONAL USE ONLY (okay for home, school & libraries).
*You may NOT modify, sell, redistribute, or claim the design as your own.
*Please do not remove the credits/watermarks.
*If you'd like to share this project, you may use ONE photo and credit must be given to Artsy-Fartsy Mama and linked back to this post.

Next, fill up the Elf Boot Gift Bag with all of the goodies. A helpful tip is to add the candy to the bag first so that the bag won't be top heavy and tip over. You can also add in other surprises like a sweet note, gift cards, or Redbox rentals (PS: I have a Free Printable Rental Card if you need one)!

Last, but certainly not least, make a plan to deliver the Secret Elf Gifts - emphasis on the SECRET! While teachers are away at meetings or making copies before/after school, we are going to place the Elf Gifts on their desks. When they come back, they will be welcomed with this festive surprise to help them get the encouragement to push through the holiday craziness!
The best part of being a part of the "Secret Elf Squad" is seeing the joy a gift like this can bring to those who deserve extra appreciation (like teachers).
Who would you surprise with a Secret Elf Gift like this?